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How to Make Money From Digital Marketing

how to make money using digital marketing

In this article, you’re going to discover three ingenious ways to improve your online marketing so that you’re generating an abundance of leads that are in turn turning into profitable customers. Learn how to make money from digital marketing.

In fact, you’re spending less time, less effort and money doing it and achieving amazing results.

How to generate more leads and convert customers

I’m Dawn McGruer, multi award winning digital marketing speaker, author and trainer. I used these very same techniques to go from sole trader start-up to sell-out success. I’m also founder of Business Consort, Digital and Social Media Academy.

We are not only an Academy that’s trained 20,000 individuals over the past 20 years, but we’re a digital agency and practitioners and I’m also ranked number one globally by LinkedIn in my industry.

I’ve just won an award for best female speaker at the Professional Speaker Awards. Not only that, the model that we teach at our academy, our digital marketing mandate, which is like a roadmap to success. Has just won solution framework of the year.

So let’s get started with these three tips so you too can scale and grow your business and use marketing as a revenue generator.

How to Make Money From Digital Marketing

Presence (The Three P’s)

The three tips we’re going to look at today are the THREE P’S. The three P’s are crucial in any business.

Tip number 1 we’re going to look at is PRESENCE.

Now, presence is very important because ultimately when someone is looking for a business, a product or service, they need to see you in a search result in social media or across the digital channels.

So with online presence, one of the things you’ve got to consider is that when people are browsing on the Web and they see your product or your service or your business, they’re not always ready to buy.

Now, it doesn’t mean that they’re not interested.

So, for instance, it could be that I’m thinking about going on holiday to Cuba, but I’m not ready to book the flight because I’m not sure of the dates, because I’m not going till next year. But it doesn’t mean I don’t want to go.

I am just not in the right stage of my buying cycle. This is why it’s so important to keep that consistent presence about your business so that I choose you when I’m ready to buy.

how to make money from digital marketing

Positioning (Three P’s)

OK, so we’re moving on to tip number 2 now. Tip number 2 is all about POSITIONING.

Positioning is critical for a business.

We know that people will judge a business based on what they know. So positioning is all about the perception of your business, product and service online.

Now, what we’re looking at is that you have to have a clear proposition of what your business does. People get so hung up with marketing a product/service all of the time when actually social selling is the key.

What is social selling?

It’s about building relationships directly with the person and looking at what their needs are. So with positioning, you need to be the expert in your field. The go-to person for whatever problem you solve or solution that you provide.

When we’re looking at positioning, think about what is the content marketing that you could create to solve that problem.

Now, I guarantee when you start positioning yourself as a problem solver, you’re actually adding value.

What happens with social selling is that by adding this continued value, people will keep buying and engaging with the content that you create.

So that ultimately when they are ready to buy, you’ve already got a very established brand and you’re also established as a key go-to person and influencer. They will come to you before they go to anybody else.

making money from your marketing

Moving on to the final tip – number 3. Number 3 is all about PROCESS.

Now, what process is, it’s actually looking at the steps involved in implementing a strategy.

This is about auditing your business to understand exactly where you are now and thinking about where you want to be and your digital marketing goals.

Now, once you’ve performed an audit, you’ll have a really good understanding of all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. In turn, that’s going to help you form the basis of a strategy.

But let’s consider that 44% of businesses don’t even have a strategy in place. This is a common reason why people are not reaching their goals or reaping the results that they want from digital marketing campaigns.

So we’ve also got to look at what happens when you devise a strategy.

How do you put those steps in place and what does a documented strategy look like?

Well, it’s all about forming your overarching goals, breaking them down and drilling into deeper objectives.

Now, once you’ve got your objectives in place, you need to figure out what the strategy is that you’re going to apply and implement to achieve those objectives.

Once the strategy is done, we need to take that to the next level. Which is then looking at the actual tactics and actions. This is what’s going to happen and who is going to do it.

Then ultimately we’ll finish with the control, looking at the measurements and finding out whether we’ve been successful in achieving our goals and objectives that we set out to achieve.

If you were doing anything in your business and it’s a repetitive task, this is where we need to automate the process.

Consider making a list of all the things that you do day in, day out. If you’re doing something multiple times, it’s wasting time and ultimately losing profit.

With process, we need to think about what the strategy is. So this is all about implementing, managing, measuring and improving

How to Make Money From Digital Marketing

Now we’ve covered all 3 tips – the three P’s. We’ve looked at presence, which is all about online visibility.

Positioning, about being a key influencer in your field and also processes. What are the steps and actions you need to take? How can you be more efficient at what you do?

Ultimately, this leads to profit. At the end of the day, anything that we’re doing in digital marketing or in business, we’re all doing it ultimately to generate revenue.

Now, these three steps are looking at how you can use marketing as a revenue generator for your business. Once you go through and you’ve got perfect presence, you’ve got the ultimate positioning and you’ve got some really good, solid processes in place.

This is all going to contribute to increasing profit.

So if you’ve enjoyed these tips, why not head over and download a free copy of our course prospectus today. Find out just how you can develop your digital marketing skills to scale and grow your business.

Come and join the conversation below, and let me know where you are in your journey and how I can help.

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